NR 440.68(2) (2)Definitions. As used in this section, terms not defined in this subsection have the meanings given in s. NR 440.02.
NR 440.68(2)(a) (a) “Cartridge filter" means a discrete filter unit containing both filter paper and activated carbon that traps and removes contaminants from petroleum solvent together with the piping and ductwork used in the installation of this device.
NR 440.68(2)(b) (b) “Dryer" means a machine used to remove petroleum solvent from articles of clothing or other textile or leather goods, after washing and removing of excess petroleum solvent, together with the piping and ductwork used in the installation of this device.
NR 440.68(2)(c) (c) “Manufacturer's rated dryer capacity" means the dryer's rated capacity of articles, in pounds or kilograms of clothing articles per load, dry basis, that is typically found on each dryer on the manufacturer's name-plate or in the manufacturer's equipment specifications.
NR 440.68(2)(d) (d) “Perceptible leaks" means any petroleum solvent vapor or liquid leaks that are conspicuous from visual observation or that bubble after application of a soap solution such as pools or droplets of liquid, open containers or solvent, or solvent laden waste standing open to the atmosphere.
NR 440.68(2)(e) (e) “Petroleum dry cleaner" means a dry cleaning facility that uses petroleum solvent in a combination of washers, dryers, filters, stills and settling tanks.
NR 440.68(2)(f) (f) “Settling tank" means a container that gravimetrically separates oils, grease and dirt from petroleum solvent together with the piping and ductwork used in the installation of this device.
NR 440.68(2)(g) (g) “Solvent filter" means a discrete solvent filter unit containing a porous medium that traps and removes contaminants from petroleum solvent together with the piping and ductwork used in the installation of this device.
NR 440.68(2)(h) (h) “Solvent recovery dryer" means a class of dry cleaning dryers that employs a condenser to condense and recover solvent vapors evaporated in a closed-loop stream of heated air together with the piping and ductwork used in the installation of this device.
NR 440.68(2)(i) (i) “Still" means a device used to volatilize, separate and recover petroleum solvent from contaminated solvent together with the piping and ductwork used in the installation of this device.
NR 440.68(2)(j) (j) “Washer" means a machine which agitates fabric articles in a petroleum solvent bath and spins the articles to remove the solvent together with the piping and ductwork used in the installation of this device.
NR 440.68(3) (3)Standards for volatile organic compounds.
NR 440.68(3)(a)(a) Each affected petroleum solvent dry cleaning dryer that is installed at a petroleum dry cleaning plant shall be a solvent recovery dryer. The solvent recovery dryers shall be properly installed, operated and maintained.
NR 440.68(3)(b) (b) Each affected petroleum solvent filter that is installed at a petroleum dry cleaning plant shall be a cartridge filter. Cartridge filters shall be drained in their sealed housings for at least 8 hours prior to their removal.
NR 440.68(3)(c) (c) Each manufacturer of an affected petroleum solvent dryer shall include leak inspection and leak repair cycle information in the operating manual and on a clearly visible label posted on each affected facility. Such information should state:
To protect against fire hazards, loss of valuable solvents and emissions of solvent to the atmosphere, periodic inspection of this equipment for evidence of leaks and prompt repair of any leaks is recommended. The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources recommends that the equipment be inspected every 15 days and all vapor or liquid leaks be repaired within the subsequent 15 day period.
NR 440.68 Note Note: The administrator may approve the use of equipment of procedures that have been demonstrated to be equivalent, in terms of reducing VOC emissions, to those prescribed for compliance in this section, under 40 CFR 60.623.
NR 440.68(5) (5)Test methods and procedures. Each owner or operator of an affected facility subject to the provisions of sub. (3) (a) shall perform an initial test to verify that the flow rate of recovered solvent from the solvent recovery dryer at the termination of the recovery cycle is no greater than 0.05 liters per minute. This test shall be conducted for a duration of no less than 2 weeks during which no less than 50% of the dryer loads shall be monitored for their final recovered solvent flow rate. The suggested point for measuring the flow rate of recovered solvent is the outlet of the solvent-water separator. Near the end of the recovery cycle the entire flow of recovered solvent should be diverted to a graduated cylinder. As the recovered solvent collects in the graduated cylinder the elapsed time is monitored and recorded in periods of greater than or equal to one minute. At the same time the volume of solvent in the graduated cylinder is monitored and recorded to determine the volume of recovered solvent that is collected during each time period. The recovered solvent flow rate is calculated by dividing the volume of solvent collected per period by the length of time elapsed during the period and converting the result with appropriate factors into units of liters per minute. The recovery cycle and the monitoring procedure should continue until the flow rate of solvent is less than or equal to 0.05 liter per minute. The type of articles cleaned and the total length of the cycle should then be recorded.
NR 440.68(6) (6)Recordkeeping requirements. Each owner or operator of an affected facility subject to the provisions of this section shall maintain a record of the performance test required under sub. (5).
NR 440.68 History History: Cr. Register, September, 1986, No. 369, eff. 10-1-86; am. (2) Intro.), r. (4), Register, September, 1990, No. 417, eff. 10-1-90; CR 06-109: am. (1) (b) and (5) Register May 2008 No. 629, eff. 6-1-08.
NR 440.682 NR 440.682Equipment leaks of VOC from onshore natural gas processing plants.
NR 440.682(1) (1)Applicability and designation of affected facility:
NR 440.682(1)(a)1.1. The provisions of this section apply to affected facilities in onshore natural gas processing plants.
NR 440.682(1)(a)2. 2. A compressor in VOC service or in wet gas service is an affected facility.
NR 440.682(1)(a)3. 3. The group of all equipment except compressors, as defined in sub. (2), within a process unit is an affected facility.
NR 440.682(1)(b) (b) Any affected facility under par. (a) that commences construction, reconstruction or modification after January 20, 1984 is subject to the requirements of this section.
NR 440.682(1)(c) (c) Addition or replacement of equipment, as defined in sub. (2), for the purpose of process improvement that is accomplished without a capital expenditure may not by itself be considered a modification under this section.
NR 440.682(1)(d) (d) Facilities covered by s. NR 440.62 or 440.66 are excluded from this section.
NR 440.682(1)(e) (e) A compressor station, dehydration unit, sweetening unit, underground storage tank, field gas gathering system, or liquified natural gas unit is covered by this section if it is located at an onshore natural gas processing plant. If the unit is not located at the plant site, then it is exempt from the provisions of this section.
NR 440.682(2) (2)Definitions. As used in this section, terms not defined in this subsection have the meanings given in s. NR 440.02 or 440.62.
NR 440.682(2)(a) (a) “Alaskan north slope" means the approximately 69,000 square-mile area extending from the Brooks Range to the Arctic Ocean.
NR 440.682(2)(b) (b) “Equipment" means each pump, pressure relief device, open-ended valve or line, valve, compressor, and flange or other connector that is in VOC service or in wet gas service and any device or system required by this section.
NR 440.682(2)(c) (c) “Field gas" means feedstock gas entering the natural gas processing plant.
NR 440.682(2)(d) (d) “In light liquid service" means that the piece of equipment contains a liquid that meets the conditions specified in s. NR 440.62 (6) (e) or sub. (4) (h) 2.
NR 440.682(2)(e) (e) “In wet gas service" means that a piece of equipment contains or contacts the field gas before the extraction step in the process.
NR 440.682(2)(f) (f) “Natural gas liquids" means the hydrocarbons, such as ethane, propane, butane and pentane, that are extracted from field gas.
NR 440.682(2)(g) (g) “Natural gas processing plant" or “gas plant" means any processing site engaged in the extraction of natural gas liquids from field gas fractionation of mixed natural gas liquids to natural gas products, or both.
NR 440.682(2)(h) (h) “Nonfractionating plant" means any gas plant that does not fractionate mixed natural gas liquids into natural gas products.
NR 440.682(2)(i) (i) “Onshore" means all facilities except those that are located in the territorial seas or on the outer continental shelf.
NR 440.682(2)(j) (j) “Process unit" means equipment assembled for the extraction of natural gas liquids from field gas, the fractionation of the liquids into natural gas products, or other operations associated with the processing of natural gas products. A process unit can operate independently if supplied with sufficient feed or raw materials and sufficient storage facilities for the products.
NR 440.682(2)(k) (k) “Reciprocating compressor" means a piece of equipment that increases the pressure of a process gas by positive displacement employing linear movement of the driveshaft.
NR 440.682(3) (3)Standards.
NR 440.682(3)(a)(a) Each owner or operator subject to the provisions of this section shall comply with the requirements of s. NR 440.62 (3) (a) 1., 2. and 4., and (b) to (j), except as provided in sub. (4), as soon as practicable, but no later than 180 days after initial startup.
NR 440.682(3)(b) (b) An owner or operator may elect to comply with the requirements of s. NR 440.62 (4) (a) and (b).
NR 440.682(3)(c) (c) An owner or operator may apply to the department for permission to use an alternative means of emission limitation that achieves a reduction in emissions of VOC at least equivalent to that achieved by the controls required in this section. In doing so, the owner or operator shall comply with requirements of sub. (5).
NR 440.682(3)(d) (d) Each owner or operator subject to the provisions of this section shall comply with the provisions of s. NR 440.62 (6) except as provided in sub. (4) (f).
NR 440.682(3)(e) (e) Each owner or operator subject to the provisions of this section shall comply with the provisions of s. NR 440.62 (7) and (8) except as provided in subs. (4), (6) and (7).
NR 440.682(3)(f) (f) An owner or operator shall use the following provision instead of s. NR 440.62 (6) (d) 1. Each piece of equipment is presumed to be in VOC service or in wet gas service unless an owner or operator demonstrates that the piece of equipment is not in VOC service or in wet gas service. For a piece of equipment to be considered not in VOC service, it shall be determined that the VOC content can be reasonably expected never to exceed 10.0% by weight. For a piece of equipment to be considered in wet gas service, it shall be determined that it contains or contacts the field gas before the extraction step in the process. For purposes of determining the percent VOC content of the process fluid that is contained in or contacts a piece of equipment, procedures that conform to the methods described in ASTM E169-93, E168-92, or E260-96, incorporated by reference in s. NR 440.17 (2) (a) 74., 73. and 75., respectively, shall be used.
NR 440.682(4) (4)Exceptions.
NR 440.682(4)(a)(a) Each owner or operator subject to the provisions of this section may comply with the exceptions to the provisions of s. NR 440.62.
NR 440.682(4)(b)1.1. Each pressure relief device in gas/vapor service may be monitored quarterly and within 5 days after each pressure release to detect leaks by the methods specified in s. NR 440.62 (6) (b) except as provided in sub. (3) (c), subd. 4., and s. NR 440.62 (3) (d).
NR 440.682(4)(b)2. 2. If an instrument reading of 10,000 ppm or greater is measured, a leak is detected.
NR 440.682(4)(b)3.a.a. When a leak is detected, it shall be repaired as soon as practicable, but no later than 15 calendar days after it is detected except as provided in s. NR 440.62 (3) (i).
NR 440.682(4)(b)3.b. b. A first attempt at repair shall be made no later then 5 calendar days after each leak is detected.
NR 440.682(4)(b)4.a.a. Any pressure relief device that is located in a nonfractionating plant that is monitored only by nonplant personnel may be monitored after a pressure release the next time the monitoring personnel are on site, instead of within 5 days as specified in subd. 1. and s. NR 440.62 (3) (d) 2. a.
NR 440.682(4)(b)4.b. b. No pressure relief device described in subd. 4. a. may be allowed to operate for more than 30 days after a pressure release without monitoring.
NR 440.682(4)(c) (c) Sampling connection systems are exempt from the requirements of s. NR 440.62 (3) (e).
NR 440.682(4)(d) (d) Pumps in light liquid service, valves in gas/vapor and light liquid service and pressure relief devices in gas vapor service that are located at a nonfractionating plant that does not have the design capacity to process 283,000 standard cubic meters per day (scmd) (10 million scf/day) or more of field gas are exempt from the routine monitoring requirements of s. NR 440.62 (3) (b) 1. a. and (g) 1. and par. (b) 1.
NR 440.682(4)(e) (e) Pumps in light liquid service, valves in gas/vapor and light liquid service, and pressure relief devices in gas/vapor service within a process unit that is located in the Alaskan North Slope are exempt from the routine monitoring requirements of ss. NR 440.62 (3) (b) 1. a., and (3) (g) 1. and par. (b) 1.
NR 440.682(4)(f) (f) Reciprocating compressors in wet gas service are exempt from the compressor control requirements of s. NR 440.62 (3) (c).
NR 440.682(4)(g) (g) Flares used to comply with this section shall comply with requirements of s. NR 440.18.
NR 440.682(4)(h) (h) An owner or operator may use the following provisions instead of s. NR 440.62 (6) (e).
NR 440.682(4)(h)1. 1. Equipment is in heavy liquid service if the weight percent evaporated is 10% or less at 150°C (302°F) as determined by ASTM D86-96, incorporated by reference in s. NR 440.17 (2) (a) 7.
NR 440.682(4)(h)2. 2. Equipment is in light liquid service if the weight percent evaporated is greater than 10% at 150°C (302°F) as determined by ASTM D86-96, incorporated by reference in s. NR 440.17 (2) (a) 7.
NR 440.682(5) (5)Alternative means of emission limitation.
NR 440.682(5)(a)(a) If, in the administrator's judgement, an alternative means of emission limitation will achieve a reduction in VOC emissions at least equivalent to the reduction in VOC emissions achieved under any design, equipment, work practice or operational standard, the administrator will publish, in the federal register, a notice permitting the use of that alternative means for the purpose of compliance with that standard. The notice may condition permission on requirements related to the operation and maintenance of the alternative means.
NR 440.682(5)(b) (b) Any notice under par. (a) shall be published only after notice and an opportunity for a public hearing.
NR 440.682(5)(c) (c) The administrator will consider applications under this subsection from either owners or operators of affected facilities, or manufacturers of control equipment.
NR 440.682(5)(d) (d) The administrator will treat applications under this subsection according to the following criteria, except in cases where he or she concludes that other criteria are appropriate:
NR 440.682(5)(d)1. 1. The applicant shall collect, verify and submit test data, covering a period of at least 12 months, necessary to support the finding in par. (a).
NR 440.682(5)(d)2. 2. If the applicant is an owner or operator of an affected facility, he or she shall commit in writing to operate and maintain the alternative means so as to achieve a reduction in VOC emissions at least equivalent to the reduction in VOC emissions achieved under the design, equipment, work practice or operational standard.
NR 440.682(6) (6)Recordkeeping requirements.
NR 440.682(6)(a)(a) Each owner or operator subject to the provisions of this section shall comply with the requirements of pars. (b) and (c) in addition to the requirements of s. NR 440.62 (7).
NR 440.682(6)(b) (b) The following recordkeeping requirements shall apply to pressure relief devices subject to the requirements of sub. (4) (b) 1.:
NR 440.682(6)(b)1. 1. When each leak is detected as specified in sub. (4) (b) 2., a weatherproof and readily visible identification, marked with the equipment identification number, shall be attached to the leaking equipment. The identification on the pressure relief device may be removed after it has been repaired.
NR 440.682(6)(b)2. 2. When each leak is detected as specified in sub. (4) (b) 2., the following information shall be recorded in a log and shall be kept for 2 years in a readily accessible location:
NR 440.682(6)(b)2.a. a. The instrument and operator identification numbers and the equipment identification number.
NR 440.682(6)(b)2.b. b. The date the leak was detected and the dates of each attempt to repair the leak.
NR 440.682(6)(b)2.c. c. Repair methods applied in each attempt to repair the leak.
NR 440.682(6)(b)2.d. d. “Above 10,000 ppm" if the maximum instrument reading measured by the methods specified in after each repair attempt is 10,000 ppm or greater.
NR 440.682(6)(b)2.e. e. “Repair delayed" and the reason for the delay if a leak is not repaired within 15 calendar days after discovery of the leak.
NR 440.682(6)(b)2.f. f. The signature of the owner or operator (or designate) whose decision it was that repair could not be effected without a process shutdown.
NR 440.682(6)(b)2.g. g. The expected date of successful repair of the leak if a leak is not repaired within 15 days.
NR 440.682(6)(b)2.h. h. Dates of process unit shutdowns that occur while the equipment is unrepaired.
NR 440.682(6)(b)2.i. i. The date of successful repair of the leak.
Published under s. 35.93, Stats. Updated on the first day of each month. Entire code is always current. The Register date on each page is the date the chapter was last published.